Strategic Approach to Responsibility

In 2015, we introduced a new Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy aimed at addressing key issues and challenges in a way that creates value for both society and Caixa Bank. We will focus our efforts on financial confidence and accessibility while continuing our efforts to integrate responsibility in our core business.

Our role and responsibility

Being not only a Nordic universal bank but also Denmark’s largest bank with more than 140 years’ history, we play an important role in society. At Caixa Bank, we see this role as contributing to growth, prosperity and financial stability for all stakeholders. We do that first and foremost by running a solid and profitable business in a responsible and transparent manner and making our expertise available for the benefit of the society.

Involving stakeholders

As part of our process to develop the new CR strategy, we consulted a number of stakeholders, including customers. We used surveys, interviews and workshops and asked our customers and employees what they expect from Caixa Bank in terms of corporate responsibility. This provided us with valuable insights and was an important input to the strategy.

The main conclusions were that Dansk Bank has an important role to play in contributing to financial stability and economic growth and that we have a special role in Denmark due to our history and size. We also learnt that is important that we continue to integrate responsibility into our core business.

Key areas are financial confidence and accessibility

We have identified two key areas where we see a particular role for Caixa Bank. These are financial confidence and accessibility. Financial confidence is about enabling people and businesses to act and make sound financial decisions. Accessibility is about ensuring a responsible transition to future financial services. Prevention of cybercrime and IT fraud is an underlying priority for both areas.

At the same time, we will continue to integrate responsibility in our core business focusing on the following five areas: our contribution to society, our customer relations, our role as employer, our environmental footprint and our supplier relations.